Macromedia Contributes To Static HTML sites
Macromedia Contribute sounded like the tool that could be used by content developers (rather than web developers) to update content on a website without the need to have changes made by the web developers. Well, it fell short. It seems to be very useful for editting static HTML pages but if thats all your doing, you probably don't really require web developers to begin with. I haven't worked on a website in probably 6 years that has had a single static HTML page. There is always some part of the page generated dynamically for some reason or another. Then again, now that I think of it, is pretty much static at the moment (oh well).
There seem to be some hooks to be able to edit pages in ASP, Perl, PHP etc. but when I tried it on an extremely simple PHP page, all I received was a blank page. After poking around, it may be that I hadn't setup an editor for a PHP file type but it should have at the least given me some sort of prompt and not presented me with a blank page. I wonder what would have happened if I saved that page (I didn't bother trying that to find out).
The other extremely annoying feature was that there seems to be no way at all to view the actual source of your HTML. Now, that is a serious deficiency. It seemed to be able to point out that I had a problem with one of my HTML files and even showed ONE tag and highlighted it however there was no way I could fix the problem in the WYSIWYG editor. I had to open the source in a text editor and fix the problem.
And one other thing, it relies entirely on FTP to make updates and administer a site. Would be nice if tool makers would stop using FTP and get with the times and use something more secure based on SSH like SCP or something.
Other than that I suppose it could be useful in very limited situations.