Free Siebel Upgrade - sure - wink wink
It seems like Rick Broley from Siebel is spewing absolute garbage. Here is a quote from this news article:
"Siebel released an update to its financial services applications in 2001 that incorporated many of Janna's features. The company charges no additional software license fees to upgrade from the Janna system to that product, Broley said. Siebel also offers tools to move data from one system to the other free of charge, he said."
Apparently Siebel must spell FREE with a great number of 0's on the end. I seem to recall very clearly that in trying to work with Siebel last year in upgrading a client from Janna that we were looking at a 6 figure FREE upgrade for a small 10-20 client shop. We looked at ways of cutting costs etc. and one way was to do the conversion of the data ourselves. If I recall, unless we paid something in the neighborhood of $25,000 to become Siebel certified, we could not do the data conversion and still fall under the Siebel license or support agreement or some such thing. In other words, if we did the work ourselves to migrate the data (which is not rocket science) we would not be supported anymore by Siebel.
I'm sure you can guess what the client did. They decided to go with a paid product instead of the so called FREE upgrade from Siebel.