Paypal Security Measures Scam Email
I received an email today that appeared to be from PayPal and appeared to be very legit. However, I was a little suspicious that my SPAM filter picked it up as a low probability of spam. It had the subject "security measures" and was addressed not to the actual email address I signed up with PayPal but to an email address that appears one of my websites along with a PayPal banner.
When I looked at the source it indeed still looked pretty legit. All images and style sheets were actually legitimate PayPal references in the HTML except for one thing - the link the email pointed out to click. The displayed URL was fine but the actual underlying target was some other bogus site. I entered the displayed URL manually in a browser and there is no such page on the PayPal website. So I deleted the email and thanked my excellent spam filter for catching that.
So be aware out there especially if you clicked on the link and entered your userid/password.