Google AdSense Experiment Update
I'm sure this will piss off people more than it will actually inform them of anything but here it goes anyway.
My Google AdSense experiment is still going strong (since July 11th). Unfortunately the Google Adsense reporting is seriously lacking and I can't actually experiment with it as much as I'd like to. And with the way they've implemented the ads it is not entirely trivial to add my own click tracking like I've done with just about any other sort of affiliate/ad program. So, I'm still watching the dollars and tweaking as the days go on.
And I should mention that the expirement with the ads is not happening on this weblog so this isn't a shameless plug in an attempt to get people to click on the ads for no reason. It is much more interesting than that.
I'm also completely amazed that this is not out of the bag as of yet. I'll announce when it is though.
While we're talking about AdSense, I see that Google has added color options to the Ads. Thats a nice touch but working on more informative reporting is in the works I hope.