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Kosmo Systems Inc, along with Ashley IT are proud to present their spam detection service called SimpleFilter. It is so simple, there is absolutely no software to install and it works with virtually any email client on any operating system. Checkout www.simplefilter.com
3-4 years ago we were asking the VoIP providers to create something like this for QuikkTUTOR. They never really got it. A few years after that for another venture we were looking for the same thing but with video as well. There were a few players but they were still heading in the wrong direction. Not sure if they even exist anymore. Today Skype is almost there. They just need to add the video component and we might have something close to what we were looking for way back then.
Skype is moving like wildfire through my family and friends. Wow. Easier than e-mail and chat (now that they are garbaged up with features). [John Robb's Weblog]
Although, ignoring the P2P aspect, Yahoo IM has had a decent voice chat for well over a year or two.
TCP 135 and the loss of end-to-end. I've never spent much time tethered to an Exchange Server, other than on an experimental basis, so I'd forgotten -- or never knew -- that Outlook contacts Exchange on TCP port 135. That is, of course, the same port that Blaster has lately been partying on with wild abandon. I'd also heard that some ISPs had begun blocking 135, on the grounds that it's more trouble than it's worth. As this document from Cox High Speed Internet notes: ... [Jon's Radio]
The most interesting thing to come out of this whole Eolas disaster could well turn out to be Ray Ozzie's description of how Lotus Notes was demonstrating many of the funamental abilities of today's browsers, including dynamic application embedding remarkably similar to that covered back in the patent, way back in 1993. The patent was filed in 1994. Prior art? We can only hope.
If one of the blog chatters is in you'll see a green indicator or an appropriate graphic. Just click on the green icon or the graphic and a custom chat window will pop up. you don't need an account or any special software. works with ie and mozilla on win/mac/linux.