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Kosmo Systems Inc, along with Ashley IT are proud to present their spam detection service called SimpleFilter. It is so simple, there is absolutely no software to install and it works with virtually any email client on any operating system. Checkout www.simplefilter.com
Radio has once again died a horrible death in just a week of use. I was hoping that Radio 8.x.x would be much better in this respect than 7.x.x. With 7.x.x I was not able to run more than a week without requiring a total re-install. Usually this is due to Radio ending up taking complete control of the CPU and then functions not working whatsoever. Restarting Radio, rebooting the machine etc. don't resolve it either. There are no logs to look at, nothing I can look into to attempt to debug the situation, nothing to do at all other than re-install.
Usually re-installing resolves the problem but not without some minor tweaks here and there to get things running smoothly once again. This time I had to set a number of items in the prefs. Some prefs were as I set them and others lost their settings for some unknown reason. The other thing that wasted way too much time debugging was no longer able to post anything remotely. The only way it works now from remote is to use the actual IP address in the URL instead of a domain name to access Radio. This definitely worked before and I have no idea how to fix this. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
© Copyright
Tim Aiello.
Last update:
5/22/2004; 4:23:49 PM.